


Visiting Address:64 Aitken St, Airdrie ML6 6LT
Mailing Address:64 Aitken St, Airdrie ML6 6LT
Phone number:0044 - 1236 764061

Archbishop William Nolan,
Address: St Patrick’s, 137 William Street, Glasgow G3 8UR.
Tel: 0044 141 226 5898

Commission established:

1979, Bishops’ Conference of Scotland

Short historical revue of the Commission

For over forty years the Justice and Peace Commission has had the responsibility for advising the Bishops in matters of social justice, international peace, human rights, development, ecology and the integrity of creation.
The Commission also works to bring people to a greater awareness of Catholic Social Teaching; and its value in understanding and tackling the great social problems of our times. The Commission meets quarterly to consider and enact policy; co-ordinates statements with the Bishops’ Conference; maintains a website, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts and has its own YouTube channel. It provides electronic monthly updates of events; organises annual conferences; and works with a variety of organisations, ecumenical and secular, in areas of common interest and concern

Work priorities:

Policy priorities are currently:- climate change; migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, nuclear disarmament and peace; poverty and the cost of living crisis.
We also work to widen knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching; to involve more people in action for justice and peace in their personal lives, spiritually and practically, as well as in public campaigns.