

Magyar Katolikus Püspöki Konferencia Iustitia et Pax Bizottsága

Visiting Address:H-1068 Budapest Városligeti fasor 42.
Mailing Address:H-1068 Budapest Városligeti fasor 42.
Phone number:0036 30 638 5449
Telefax:0036 - 1 483 1948

Diocesan Bishop János Székely,
appointed by Bishops’ Conference from 2015 until recalled
Address: same


Zsanett Bánlaki,
Address: same

Commission established:


Constitutional establishing in 1996 by Bishop’s Conference with 15 members (priests, lawyers, economists) with the purpose of making known the Christian Social Teaching.

Short historical revue of the Commission

Milestones of our history:
1997-1999: international meetings on economic ethics and security policies, human rights; neighbourhood meeting and working group Europe in Szombathely
2000: Meeting for religious (Muslims, Catholics, Orthodoxies etc.) leaders in South Eastern Europe in course of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe
2001: General Assembly in Budapest, Partnership with Renovabis on Reconciliation
2000 –2001: Reconciliation meetings with Slovaks and Roma’s
2002-2004: Globalisation, National Identity
2003-2004: European Values and European Constitution; dialogue with European Muslims, Poverty
2004-2006: 3 Neighbourhood meetings,
2005: Human Rights in the Prisons.
2013 reestablishing the Commission with a new name: Caritas in Veritate
Since 2013 yearly organization of Catholic Social Days
2015 LS indtrodzcing conference in Parliament for 300 people
2015-18 developing relationship with newly established Catholic NGO for environmental protection
2019 - strong international participation, LSA program in Hungarian, events for minorities especially communities with Roma origin, advocacy work for environmental protecion and people in need

Work priorities:

Reconciliation (interreligious dialog); European values; Law and Moral; Common Good, Development (Globalisation, Environment, Poverty), Minorities