ree of justice


  • 12.10.2018  Water: Source of Life. A Human Right and a Responsibility for Europe.

    Water: Source of Life. A Human Right and a Responsibility for Europe.

    The Symbolic Action "Via Aqua" was prepared on the occasion of the International Workshop of Justice and Peace Europe. It is meant to be a "spiritual walk" with various steps through the Natural Area of the Llobregat River's Delta. Click here to read the document.

  • 03.10.2018  European Justice and Peace Commissions Unite in Call to Protect Water

    European Justice and Peace Commissions Unite in Call to Protect Water

    The Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions is promoting care for creation as part of its international workshop and general assembly meeting. The topic of the meeting is “Water: Source of Life Human right and Responsibility for Europe.” This marks the first time that European Justice and Peace leadership has dedicated its meeting to the topic of water.

  • 03.10.2018  Bishop Noël Treanor new President of Justice and Peace Europe

    Bishop Noël Treanor new President of Justice and Peace Europe

    In the course of their assembly 2018, Justice and Peace delegates elected Bishop Noël Treanor as the new president of the network. Dr Treanor is Bishop of Down and Connor (Northern Ireland). He is member of the Commission for Social Issues and International Affairs of the Irish Bishops’ conference and Vice- president of COMECE. He replaces Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxemburg, who was elected president of COMECE last March.

  • 03.10.2018  Promoting the Right to Water

    Promoting the Right to Water

    Declaration of the Justice and Peace Europe General Assembly 2018: Drawing on the inputs and discussions of the International Workshop “Water: Source of Life – Human right and Europe’s responsibility” and inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si’ the General Assembly of Justice and Peace Europe adopted the following conclusions, recommendations and commitments

  • 03.10.2018  Water: Source of Life – Human Right and Europe’s responsibility

    Water: Source of Life – Human Right and Europe’s responsibility

    Final Statement of the International Workshop of Justice and Peace Europe, Barcelona, 28-30 September: Water is the source of life on earth. We need to take care of it as individual persons and through our public institutions at each political level. Access to clean water and sanitation is a human right and Christians are invited to engage for its full recognition by states and international organisations

  • 14.02.2018  A Hard Border would do Great Harm

    A Hard Border would do Great Harm

    “A hard Border would do great harm.” This is the message 25 General Secretaries of the European Justice and Peace Commission took home from their annual meeting from 9 – 11 February in Northern Ireland. Read the full statement

  • 12.02.2018  Turkey's military action in North Syria is contrary to international law

    Turkey's military action in North Syria is contrary to international law

    Statement of the Executive Committee of Justice and Peace Europe in the context of Turkey's military action in North Syria. Read the full statement.

  • 07.12.2017  Multinational companies and Human Rights

    Multinational companies and Human Rights

    - Towards an international legally binding instrument - Statement of Justice an Peace Europe on the occasion of Human Rights Day (10 December). Click here to read the full Statement.

  • 30.10.2017  Overcoming fear to defend human rights

    Overcoming fear to defend human rights

    Justice and Peace Europe is committed to the respect and the promotion of human rights so that each person and each community can live with dignity. Without any hesitation we claim the universal character of these rights and adopted the following statement at our General Assembly on 25 September 2017 in Taizé/France. Read the Statement

  • 03.10.2017  Justice and Peace Europe: a new focus on the care of Creation

    Justice and Peace Europe: a new focus on the care of Creation

    Delegates from 21 Commissions of Conference of European Justice & Peace Commissions (Justice and Peace Europe) came together from 22 - 24 September of 2017 for their annual International Workshop. Their meeting took place, appropriately in view of the theme “Spiritual Roots and Political Fruits: Pilgrimage for Justice & Peace and Care of Creation”, in Taizé, where the ecumenical Christian community welcomed and supported them in their deliberations also with their prayers. Read the full Final Statement of the International Workshop.