Audience with Pope Francis
Audience with Pope Francis
IUSPAX in Athens
IUSPAX in Athens
17-18 March 2016:
17-18 March 2016:

17-18 March 2016: President of J&P Europe, H.E. Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, and General Secretary Stefan Lunte, met H.E. Stanislav Zore, Archbishop of Ljubljana and President of the Slovenian Justice & Peace Commission, H.E. Stanislav Hocevar, Archbishop of Belgrad, H.Em. Josip Cardinal Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb and Bishop Vjekoslav Huzjak, President of the Croatian Justice & Peace Commission. 

IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
Laudato Si
Audience with Pope Francis
IUSPAX in Athens
17-18 March 2016:

17-18 March 2016: President of J&P Europe, H.E. Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, and General Secretary Stefan Lunte, met H.E. Stanislav Zore, Archbishop of Ljubljana and President of the Slovenian Justice & Peace Commission, H.E. Stanislav Hocevar, Archbishop of Belgrad, H.Em. Josip Cardinal Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb and Bishop Vjekoslav Huzjak, President of the Croatian Justice & Peace Commission. 

IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
ree of justice

Welcome to the site of the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions.

We are a European network of 32 national Justice and Peace Commissions mandated by their Bishops' Conferences to speak out on the fight against Poverty and for Human Rights, Peace, Reconciliation, Development and the Care of Creation. On this site you will get a look into the work of a justice and peace network inside the Catholic Church.

Juspax in Athens

If you like to contact us you will find our address below 

Secretariat of the Conference  of European Justice and Peace Commissions 

19, Square de Meeûs
B-1050 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0) 22 35 05 17 

  • 08.05.2019  Raising Awareness about the Common Good of the (World’s) Seas

    Raising Awareness about the Common Good of the (World’s) Seas

    A major conference, “The Common Good and our Common Seas”, took place in Copenhagen from 3 – 5 May 2019. It brought together a wide and international audience from the Catholic Church, from Europe and from further afield. Representatives from the Church, science, business and civil society met to consider the challenges facing the world’s oceans, seas and coastal areas. Read the press release about the conference here.

  • 04.03.2019  "Adjust Europe to the Common Good" - Justice & Peace Europe Concerted Action 2019 in view of the European elections

    "Adjust Europe to the Common Good" - Justice & Peace Europe Concerted Action 2019 in view of the European elections

    On Ash Wednesday, Justice and Peace Europe starts its annual concerted action. This year its theme is the European election. The basic document has been adopted by the national Justice and Peace at their general assembly last October in Manresa/Spain. The document focuses on four areas requiring action by the next European Parliament: EU regional policy, food waste, arms exports and support for an internationally binding legal instruments on multinationals and human rights. Click here and read the document.

  • 18.01.2019  Justice & Peace Europe Prayer Breakfast

    Justice & Peace Europe Prayer Breakfast

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