We are a European network of 32 national Justice and Peace Commissions mandated by their Bishops' Conferences to speak out on the fight against Poverty and for Human Rights, Peace, Reconciliation, Development and the Care of Creation. On this site you will get a look into the work of a justice and peace network inside the Catholic Church.
If you like to contact us you will find our address below
Secretariat of the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions
19, Square de Meeûs
B-1050 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0) 22 35 05 17
E-Mail: secretary@jupax-europa.org
Dr. Bernhard Koch (itfh) and Dr. Niklas Schörnig (PRIF) presented the Justice and Peace Memorandum on "The Dangers of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems".
Last week Pope Francis addressed his encyclical letter “Laudato si” on care for our human home to every person living on the planet. It has received an overwhelming echo all over the world.