Nous sommes un réseau européen de 32 Commissions Justice et Paix nationales mandatées par leurs Conférences des Évêques pour nous exprimer sur des thèmes tels que le combat contre la pauvreté et pour les droits humains, la paix, la réconciliation, le développement et la sauvegarde de la création. Sur ce site vous obtiendrez des informations sur notre réseau international au sein de l'Église catholique.
Si vous souhaitez nous contacter, voici nos coordonnées :
Secrétariat de la Conférence européenne des Commissions Justice et Paix
19, Square de Meeûs
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tél.: +32 (0) 22 35 05 17
Justice and Peace Europe is committed to the respect and the promotion of human rights so that each person and each community can live with dignity. Without any hesitation we claim the universal character of these rights and adopted the following statement at our General Assembly on 25 September 2017 in Taizé/France. Read the Statement
Delegates from 21 Commissions of Conference of European Justice & Peace Commissions (Justice and Peace Europe) came together from 22 - 24 September of 2017 for their annual International Workshop. Their meeting took place, appropriately in view of the theme “Spiritual Roots and Political Fruits: Pilgrimage for Justice & Peace and Care of Creation”, in Taizé, where the ecumenical Christian community welcomed and supported them in their deliberations also with their prayers. Read the full Final Statement of the International Workshop.
The Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions is promoting care for Creation as part of its international workshop and general assembly meeting. The gathering, which is themed “On Spiritual Roots and Political Fruits,” is a pilgrimage for justice and peace and care of Creation, 22-25 September. It took place at the Taizé monastic community. Read the full text of the press release