Baum der Gerechtigkeit

Forging a new Culture of Peace


Justice and Peace Europe launches its annual concerted action

Every year the Catholic network Justice and Peace Europe publishes the basic document of its annual concerted action at the beginning of Lent. Please find below the basic document of this year’s edition in its original version and a summary. 

In the liturgical year Lent is a special time of fasting and prayer but also of meditation and reflection. However, this year the beginning of Lent is also a dramatic and tragic time. It coincides with the brutal und unjustifiable aggression of Ukraine by Russia. The attack ordered by the Russian president Vladimir Putin is also a challenge to freedom and democracy in Europe and the world. So far it has received a united and unambiguous response. Moreover, and in the longer term, the world will need the development of a new culture of peace, in which the European Union and Europe as a whole are driving actors. 

With its concerted action Justice and Peace Europe wants to encourage political leadership and civil society in the European Union and across all Europe to explore the idea of a new culture of peace in the light of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti. 

While publishing “Forging a new Culture of Peace” today Justice and Peace Europe renews its support for the call of Pope Francis for a day of prayer and fasting in Ukraine on Ash Wednesday. 

Justice and Peace Europe is a network of thirty national Justice and Peace Commissions. It promotes care for creation, human rights, justice and peace in the light of the social teaching of the Catholic Church.

Download the full Basic Text of the Concerted Action 2022

Download the Summary