
Hungary, Artist: Danielle Sablon, Title:Dans l'abime de la souffrance
Hungary, Artist: Danielle Sablon, Title:Dans l'abime de la souffrance
Hungary, Danielle Sablon, Title: Sans feu nie lieu
Hungary, Danielle Sablon, Title: Sans feu nie lieu
Hungary, Artist: Danielle Sablon, Title: Chute dans la misère
Hungary, Artist: Danielle Sablon, Title: Chute dans la misère
Hungary, Artist: Gregor Gall, Title: ABEL
Hungary, Artist: Gregor Gall, Title: ABEL
Hungary, Artist: Gregor Gall, Title: Dies irae
Hungary, Artist: Gregor Gall, Title: Dies irae
Malta, Artist: William Azzopardi ,Title: Blues
Malta, Artist: William Azzopardi ,Title: Blues
Malta, Artist: William Azzopardi ,Title: Gypsies
Malta, Artist: William Azzopardi ,Title: Gypsies
Norway, Artist: Liv Benedicte Nielsen, Title: Storbyen (The City)
Norway, Artist: Liv Benedicte Nielsen, Title: Storbyen (The City)
Lithuania, Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis, Title: Farmstead Dreams. Kudirkos Naumiestis. 2004
Lithuania, Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis, Title: Farmstead Dreams. Kudirkos Naumiestis. 2004
Lithuania, Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis , Title: Grimaces of the weary village.Valakbūdis. 1976
Lithuania, Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis , Title: Grimaces of the weary village.Valakbūdis. 1976
Lithuania,Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis , Title: Grimaces of the weary village.Valakbūdis. 2001
Lithuania,Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis , Title: Grimaces of the weary village.Valakbūdis. 2001
Lithuania,Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis, Title: Slaughter 1999
Lithuania,Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis, Title: Slaughter 1999
Lithuania,Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis 
Title: Farmstead Dreams. Kudirkos Naumiestis. 2003
Lithuania,Artist: Rimaldas Vikšraitis
Title: Farmstead Dreams. Kudirkos Naumiestis. 2003
Spain , Artist : Juan Vivanco Toribio, Title: Hunger , Date Year 2006 Caption : " Human figure . Injustice has cut trought him leaving its indelible marks. These last forever. He is holding on to life with the fine thread that holds him."
Spain , Artist : Juan Vivanco Toribio, Title: Hunger , Date Year 2006 Caption : " Human figure . Injustice has cut trought him leaving its indelible marks. These last forever. He is holding on to life with the fine thread that holds him."
Spain ,Artist : José Javier Santa Hernández , Title: The Outskirts of the World,  Country: Jose Galvez Young Village. Outskirt of Lima (Peru)- Caption: " An image of poverty appears in the north, the south,the east and the west, but each image shows one second of hope". Karit NGO Sanitation project.
Spain ,Artist : José Javier Santa Hernández , Title: The Outskirts of the World, Country: Jose Galvez Young Village. Outskirt of Lima (Peru)- Caption: " An image of poverty appears in the north, the south,the east and the west, but each image shows one second of hope". Karit NGO Sanitation project.
Spain , Artist: Mercedes Carmona ,Title: Between sorrow and hope, Country: Spain, Caption: " And even in poverty and hunger, only love can fee life between sorrow and hope."
Spain , Artist: Mercedes Carmona ,Title: Between sorrow and hope, Country: Spain, Caption: " And even in poverty and hunger, only love can fee life between sorrow and hope."
Spain ,  Artist: Amparo Alonso , Title: Mud Cross, Country: Kenia, Caption: "Woman, an example of physical strength, but also of sacrifice and immense faith in the family..."
Spain , Artist: Amparo Alonso , Title: Mud Cross, Country: Kenia, Caption: "Woman, an example of physical strength, but also of sacrifice and immense faith in the family..."
 Spain, Artist:Amparo Alonso , Title: Extreme nudity, Country: Ethiopia, Caption:"Raw flesh: bare feet on the ground but in action. A step forward, a stone, a stone, a step forward. There are many like me who are coming, and there are many rocks. But there are steps forward within each one of us."
Spain, Artist:Amparo Alonso , Title: Extreme nudity, Country: Ethiopia, Caption:"Raw flesh: bare feet on the ground but in action. A step forward, a stone, a stone, a step forward. There are many like me who are coming, and there are many rocks. But there are steps forward within each one of us."
Bosnien/Herzegowina , Artist: Edin Numankadić, Title: Diptych Inscriptions
Bosnien/Herzegowina , Artist: Edin Numankadić, Title: Diptych Inscriptions
Germany, Artist: Richard Baus, Title: Warum ist so rot dein Gewand?
Germany, Artist: Richard Baus, Title: Warum ist so rot dein Gewand?
Germany, Artist: Richard Baus, Title: arm und reich Konfrontation
Germany, Artist: Richard Baus, Title: arm und reich Konfrontation
Germany, Artist: Norman Gebauer, Title: Wohin gehst du ?
Germany, Artist: Norman Gebauer, Title: Wohin gehst du ?
Germany, Artist: Emil Wachter, Title: Keine Antwort
Germany, Artist: Emil Wachter, Title: Keine Antwort
Czech Republik, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: Slovensko 2002
Czech Republik, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: Slovensko 2002
zech Republik, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: Rumunsko 2005 b
zech Republik, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: Rumunsko 2005 b
Czech Republic, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: China 2002 (a)
Czech Republic, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: China 2002 (a)
Czech Republik, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: Rumunsko 2005 a
Jindřich Štreit (*pdf)
Czech Republik, Artist: Jindřich Štreit, Title: Rumunsko 2005 a
Jindřich Štreit (*pdf)
Luxembourg, Artist: Francois Felten, Title: Le reve du pauvre
Luxembourg, Artist: Francois Felten, Title: Le reve du pauvre
Switzerland , Artist:Ursula Bossard kein Titel
Switzerland , Artist:Ursula Bossard kein Titel
Switzerland, Artist: Ursula Bossard kein Titel
Switzerland, Artist: Ursula Bossard kein Titel
Switzerland, Artist: Schosi Stadelmann, Title: Übles Treiben
Switzerland, Artist: Schosi Stadelmann, Title: Übles Treiben
Switzerland, Artist Pater Eugen Bollin, Title: Die Nachtlampe
Switzerland, Artist Pater Eugen Bollin, Title: Die Nachtlampe
Switzerland, Artist: Otto Heigold, Title: Zur Bergpredigt
Switzerland, Artist: Otto Heigold, Title: Zur Bergpredigt
Belgium, Artist : Agnes Pas, Title: Brons 2007( made after a peace Pilgrimage to Israel-Palestina) small pieta
Belgium, Artist : Agnes Pas, Title: Brons 2007( made after a peace Pilgrimage to Israel-Palestina) small pieta
Artist: Agnes Pas, Title: ruimte voor mysterie .- 2 pieces in bronze
Artist: Agnes Pas, Title: ruimte voor mysterie .- 2 pieces in bronze
Artist: Agnes Pas, Title: ruimte voor mysterie .- 2 pieces in bronze
Belgium, Artist : Agnes Pas, Title: caged people: a world full of contadictions .- relief in plaster
Belgium, Artist : Agnes Pas, Title: caged people: a world full of contadictions .- relief in plaster
France 3, Artist Elodie Perriot,République Centrafricaine - Campement de Pygmées de Ngouma - 
Au coeur de la forêt équatoriale, les Pygmées Aka vivent en communion avec la nature. 
La déforestation massive, le pillage des ressources menacent leur survie. 
Le projet de la Caritas de M’Baiki consiste à promouvoir l’éducation par la scolarisation des enfants et favoriser l'accès aux soins de ce peuple qui, traditionnellement se soigne avec les plantes médicinales de la forêt.
Ici, le centre de santé du village, approvisionné tous les deux mois seulement, laisse le pharmacien pensif et les étagères vides...
France 3, Artist Elodie Perriot,République Centrafricaine - Campement de Pygmées de Ngouma -
Au coeur de la forêt équatoriale, les Pygmées Aka vivent en communion avec la nature.
La déforestation massive, le pillage des ressources menacent leur survie.
Le projet de la Caritas de M’Baiki consiste à promouvoir l’éducation par la scolarisation des enfants et favoriser l'accès aux soins de ce peuple qui, traditionnellement se soigne avec les plantes médicinales de la forêt.
Ici, le centre de santé du village, approvisionné tous les deux mois seulement, laisse le pharmacien pensif et les étagères vides...
France, Artist: Gaël Mary , Title:L’ombre d’un Rickshawala - Bangladesh
France, Artist: Gaël Mary , Title:L’ombre d’un Rickshawala - Bangladesh
France, Artist: Fleur Nabert, Title: La balance de l’âme
France, Artist: Fleur Nabert, Title: La balance de l’âme
Greece, Artist: Nikos Pilos, Title: Praying in poverty,  NEW FACE OF POVERTY: Just arrived from Africa an Asia to the reception centre in the island of Mytilini ( Greece )
Greece, Artist: Nikos Pilos, Title: Praying in poverty, NEW FACE OF POVERTY: Just arrived from Africa an Asia to the reception centre in the island of Mytilini ( Greece )
Greece , Artist: Dimitra Zirou, Title: Poverty from Africa
Greece , Artist: Dimitra Zirou, Title: Poverty from Africa
Greece, Artist: Sophia Mitraki, Tilte: Hope of escape
Greece, Artist: Sophia Mitraki, Tilte: Hope of escape
Greece, Artist: Anna-Maria Kokkinopolou, Title: Horror
Greece, Artist: Anna-Maria Kokkinopolou, Title: Horror
Greece, Artist: Takis Dimopoulos, Imprisoned by poverty
Greece, Artist: Takis Dimopoulos, Imprisoned by poverty
Austria, Artist:Gerald Rehn, Title: Wüste
Austria, Artist:Gerald Rehn, Title: Wüste
Austria, Artist: Edgar Sorgo
Austria, Artist: Edgar Sorgo
Portugal, Artist: Ana Roque de Oliveira, Title: Old man waiting
Portugal, Artist: Ana Roque de Oliveira, Title: Old man waiting
Portugal, Artist: Ana Roque de Oliveira, Title:Children with toy Portugal
Portugal, Artist: Ana Roque de Oliveira, Title:Children with toy Portugal
Portugal, Artist: Paulo Quintas, Title: Tree VII ( 1992 )
Portugal, Artist: Paulo Quintas, Title: Tree VII ( 1992 )
Portugal, Artist: Paulo Quintas, Title: Tree VII ( 1992 )
Portugal, Artist: Paulo Quintas, Title: Tree VII ( 1992 )
Portugal, Artist: Pedro Casqueiro, Title: Salt / Sweat ( 1986 )
Portugal, Artist: Pedro Casqueiro, Title: Salt / Sweat ( 1986 )
Albania, Artist: Luigj Mila Title: orphan girls
Albania, Artist: Luigj Mila Title: orphan girls
Albania, Artist: Luigj Mila Title: orphan girls
Albania, Artist :Pashk Përvathi, Title: Little Beggar
Albania, Artist :Pashk Përvathi, Title: Little Beggar
Albania, Artist:Pashk Përvathi, Title:Girl with Bottles
Albania, Artist:Pashk Përvathi, Title:Girl with Bottles
Albania, Artist: Luigj Mila, Title: Girl with firewood
Albania, Artist: Luigj Mila, Title: Girl with firewood
Albania, Artist: Luigj Mila, Title: Man with flour bag
Albania, Artist: Luigj Mila, Title: Man with flour bag
Légende photo 2 : la cour intérieur du Centre d’accueil de Goma.
Légende photo 2 : la cour intérieur du Centre d’accueil de Goma.

Belgium, Artist: Katheline Toumpsin, Title: Les enfants dans la guerre 

La guerre n’épargne pas les enfants. La pauvreté les force à quitter leur enfance bien tôt : obligés à travailler plutôt que d’aller à l’école ou de jouer. Enfants soldats à l’âge de 8 ans, orphelins, enfants abandonnés… Ils sont des millions à grandir dans la violence et l’impunité. La bombe à retardement est amorcée…  Pourtant, la mobilisation s’organise. Des centres d’accueil et de formation se développent : on y apprend à lire, écrire, compter, et surtout, à vivre ensemble, de 0 à 18 ans.  

Légende photo 1 : la porte d’entrée du Centre d’accueil de Goma. Ce centre accueille des enfants soldats démobilisés, des orphelins, garçons et filles. Les enfants y vont à l’école, et peuvent y apprendre un métier, tel que cuisinier, mécanicien, menuisier, forgeron…
Légende photo 1 : la porte d’entrée du Centre d’accueil de Goma. Ce centre accueille des enfants soldats démobilisés, des orphelins, garçons et filles. Les enfants y vont à l’école, et peuvent y apprendre un métier, tel que cuisinier, mécanicien, menuisier, forgeron…
Légende photo 3 : le Centre d’accueil de Goma abrite également une crèche, et un centre médical pour les enfants en bas âge.
Légende photo 3 : le Centre d’accueil de Goma abrite également une crèche, et un centre médical pour les enfants en bas âge.
Légende photo 1 : Le Centre médical de Kisangani a été bombardé au cours des guerres de 1996 et 1998. Résultat, des milliers de morts et de blessés.
Légende photo 1 : Le Centre médical de Kisangani a été bombardé au cours des guerres de 1996 et 1998. Résultat, des milliers de morts et de blessés.
Légende photo 3 : Les Centres de soin médicaux s’improvisent aussi à ciel ouvert.
Légende photo 3 : Les Centres de soin médicaux s’improvisent aussi à ciel ouvert.

 Belgium, Artist: Katheline Toumpsin Title: Un pays malade 

La guerre détruit les infrastructures publiques, la mauvaise gestion du pays empêche qu’elles soient rapidement reconstruites, et la pauvreté de la population les empêche d’avoir recours à un médecin privé. L’infrastructure médicale, prise ici en exemple, reflète l’état de santé du pays : malade et gangrené. 

Légende photo 2 : Matériel médical du Centre.
Légende photo 2 : Matériel médical du Centre.
Légende photo 2 : Jeanne a été enlevée par un groupe de militaires. Utilisée comme esclave sexuel pendant près de 9 mois, elle a réussi à s’échapper. Aujourd’hui, elle témoigne, pour qu’on ne puisse plus fermer les yeux sur cette triste réalité. .
Légende photo 2 : Jeanne a été enlevée par un groupe de militaires. Utilisée comme esclave sexuel pendant près de 9 mois, elle a réussi à s’échapper. Aujourd’hui, elle témoigne, pour qu’on ne puisse plus fermer les yeux sur cette triste réalité. .
Légende photo 1 : Une femme veuve et ses deux enfants dans sa maison de Kisangani, ancienne ville coloniale florissante ; détruite par les guerres de 1996 et 1998.
Légende photo 1 : Une femme veuve et ses deux enfants dans sa maison de Kisangani, ancienne ville coloniale florissante ; détruite par les guerres de 1996 et 1998.

Belgium, Artist: Katheline Toumpsin, Title:Femmes, violence et pauvreté 

Etre femme en période de guerre signifie bien souvent devoir subvenir seule aux besoins des enfants dans un climat d’insécurité grave. Viols, enlèvements, pillages, de nombreuses femmes sont la cible des conflits. Piliers de la société africaine, la femme incarne son développement, mais aussi son talon d’Achille. Lorsque le viol devient une arme de guerre, le virus du SIDA donne la garantie de dépeupler les collines sur moins d’une génération. 

 Pourtant, des femmes se mobilisent. Des centres de formation et de réinsertion par le travail se développent, des réseaux de commerce se mettent en place. Elles osent témoigner aussi de ce qui leur arrive, dans l’espoir que ces violences ne restent pas impunies.  

Légende photo 3 : A Aprofime, centre de formation pour jeunes filles mères, Maman Espérance apprend à ses élèves à coudre. Ces jeunes filles mères, victimes de viols, sont rejetées par leurs communautés d’origine, et devront apprendre à se débrouiller seule avec leur enfant.
Légende photo 3 : A Aprofime, centre de formation pour jeunes filles mères, Maman Espérance apprend à ses élèves à coudre. Ces jeunes filles mères, victimes de viols, sont rejetées par leurs communautés d’origine, et devront apprendre à se débrouiller seule avec leur enfant.
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy, Title: Freely you have received, freely give
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy, Title: Freely you have received, freely give
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy, Title: I was a stranger and you invited me in
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy, Title: I was a stranger and you invited me in
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy
Title: I was hungry and you gave me something to eat
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy
Title: I was hungry and you gave me something to eat
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy ,Title: I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy ,Title: I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy
Title: Blessed are those who hunger, they shall be satisfied
Ireland, Artist: John McElroy
Title: Blessed are those who hunger, they shall be satisfied
Romania, Artist: Posán Lajos, Title:Aurica
Romania, Artist: Posán Lajos, Title:Aurica
Romania, Artist: Bánházi Gyöngyi, Title: Beeing old
Romania, Artist: Posán Lajos, Title: Smeary
Romania, Artist: Posán Lajos, Title: Smeary
Romania, Artist: Posan Lajos , Title: Pleasure
Romania, Artist: Posan Lajos , Title: Pleasure
Romania, Artist: Bánházi Gyöngyi, Title:Alone
Romania, Artist: Bánházi Gyöngyi, Title:Alone
Italy , Artist:Franco Londa, Title: L'ultima cena
Italy , Artist:Franco Londa, Title: L'ultima cena
Italy, Artist:William Xerra,Title: Europa VIVE
Italy, Artist:William Xerra,Title: Europa VIVE
Serbia, Artist:  Branko Simonovic, Title:"Kitchen"
Serbia, Artist: Branko Simonovic, Title:"Kitchen"
Serbia, Artist: Branko Simonovic   , Title:"My playground"
Serbia, Artist: Branko Simonovic , Title:"My playground"
Serbia, Artist:  Branko Simonovic , Title:"Garden of hope"
Serbia, Artist: Branko Simonovic , Title:"Garden of hope"
Vatican, Artist: Sergio Saviantoni, Title: Suburb
Slovenia, Artist: Anton Azbe, Title: Black woman(1895)
Slovenia, Artist: Anton Azbe, Title: Black woman(1895)
Slovenia, Artist: Jurij Subic, Title: Alone(1883)
Slovenia, Artist: Jurij Subic, Title: Alone(1883)
Slovenia, Artist: Rihard Jakopic, Title: The Textil Factory (1883)
Slovenia, Artist: Rihard Jakopic, Title: The Textil Factory (1883)
Netherlands, Artist: Jacob Kleyn (The Netherlands) , Title: Hungry or Arte Povera (Once I was poor myself)
Netherlands, Artist: Jacob Kleyn (The Netherlands) , Title: Hungry or Arte Povera (Once I was poor myself)
Netherlands, Artist: Jacob Kleyn 
Title: Contemporary Madonna, Jacob Kleyn NL. makes drawings and Monotypes about his own life,following the path inside his own soul. The pictures are about human situations, often about Poverty. The artist has experienced and endured all the situations himself.
The way he creates his art and how it looks can also be discribed as Arte Povera (Nova)
Netherlands, Artist: Jacob Kleyn
Title: Contemporary Madonna, Jacob Kleyn NL. makes drawings and Monotypes about his own life,following the path inside his own soul. The pictures are about human situations, often about Poverty. The artist has experienced and endured all the situations himself.
The way he creates his art and how it looks can also be discribed as Arte Povera (Nova)
Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo
Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo
Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo
Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo

Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo, 
Remarks:"I am as old als my feet, but not as my teeth. My nose and my ears are born on the same day"

Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo
Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo
Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo
Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers , Title: Sjo

Lorem i Netherlands, Artist: Martine Sprangers,Title: Sjo 
Remarks:"I am as old als my feet, but not as my teeth. My nose and my ears are born on the same day"  

Netherlands, Artist: Geert van Kesteren, Title: Schraal (poor)
Netherlands, Artist: Geert van Kesteren, Title: Schraal (poor)

Netherlands, Artist: Geert van Kesteren, Title: Schraal (poor),

These are two photo's from a large photography exhibition in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam by Geert van Kesteren,. They are made in 2006. The exhibition was called "Schraal", which means poor, miserable, shabby.

weden, Artist: Anders Gustavsson, Barnfattigdomen ökar i Sverige (2008)

For more than a 100 years these flower-pins have been sold in Sweden greeting the month of May. But the purpose was serious. The funds collected helped easying the suffering of poor children. For some decades this objective got blurred, and the sale of the flowers became meerly nostalgic. But today the organization "Majblomman", who organizes the sale of the flower-pins, is alarmed by the rise in child-poverty in modern Sweden. This video is a part of a series on the new poverty produced by TV4 Nyheterna in Göteborg, Sweden.
weden, Artist: Anders Gustavsson, Barnfattigdomen ökar i Sverige (2008)

For more than a 100 years these flower-pins have been sold in Sweden greeting the month of May. But the purpose was serious. The funds collected helped easying the suffering of poor children. For some decades this objective got blurred, and the sale of the flowers became meerly nostalgic. But today the organization "Majblomman", who organizes the sale of the flower-pins, is alarmed by the rise in child-poverty in modern Sweden. This video is a part of a series on the new poverty produced by TV4 Nyheterna in Göteborg, Sweden.
England and Wales, Artist: Marcin Mazur, Title: "Walk on by" Remarks:Westminster is the political heart of London. It is also where the MotherChurch of England and Wales is situated – just off Victoria Street. Further down the road you find the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and
Methodist Central Hall. Marcin took these two photographs on Victoria Street
– a stone’s throw from Westminster Cathedral. Why did he focus on feet? He
felt the images powerfully represented urban poverty in a fast-paced,
commercially-driven world. Many millions of people pass through London every
day but are often too busy to pay attention to those in desperate need right
on their doorstep.
England and Wales, Artist: Marcin Mazur, Title: "Walk on by" Remarks:Westminster is the political heart of London. It is also where the MotherChurch of England and Wales is situated – just off Victoria Street. Further down the road you find the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and
Methodist Central Hall. Marcin took these two photographs on Victoria Street
– a stone’s throw from Westminster Cathedral. Why did he focus on feet? He
felt the images powerfully represented urban poverty in a fast-paced,
commercially-driven world. Many millions of people pass through London every
day but are often too busy to pay attention to those in desperate need right
on their doorstep.