Audience with Pope Francis
Audience with Pope Francis
IUSPAX in Athens
IUSPAX in Athens
17-18 March 2016:
17-18 March 2016:

17-18 March 2016: President of J&P Europe, H.E. Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, and General Secretary Stefan Lunte, met H.E. Stanislav Zore, Archbishop of Ljubljana and President of the Slovenian Justice & Peace Commission, H.E. Stanislav Hocevar, Archbishop of Belgrad, H.Em. Josip Cardinal Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb and Bishop Vjekoslav Huzjak, President of the Croatian Justice & Peace Commission. 

IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
Laudato Si
Audience with Pope Francis
IUSPAX in Athens
17-18 March 2016:

17-18 March 2016: President of J&P Europe, H.E. Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, and General Secretary Stefan Lunte, met H.E. Stanislav Zore, Archbishop of Ljubljana and President of the Slovenian Justice & Peace Commission, H.E. Stanislav Hocevar, Archbishop of Belgrad, H.Em. Josip Cardinal Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb and Bishop Vjekoslav Huzjak, President of the Croatian Justice & Peace Commission. 

IUSPAX - Members
IUSPAX in Rosengarden - Malmö
ree of justice

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Wir sind ein europäisches Netzwerk von 32 Justitia et Pax-Kommissionen, die im Auftrag ihrer jeweiligen Bischofskonferenzen für den Kampf gegen Armut und für Menschenrechte, Frieden, Versöhnung, Entwicklung und Bewahrung der Schöpfung ihre Stimme erheben. Sie erhalten auf diesen Seiten Einblick in die Arbeit eines Gerechtigkeits- und Friedensnetzwerks der Katholischen Kirche.

IUSPAX in Athen

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19, Square de Meeûs 
 B-1050 Brüssel  Belgien 
 Tel.: +32 (0) 22 35 05 17 

  • 06.02.2017  Colombia: from child soldiers to peace-builders

    Colombia: from child soldiers to peace-builders

    About 40 participants took part in the lunch event co-organised by Justice&Peace Europe in Brussels and had an exchange with young people from Medellín (Colombia) and with Fr. Rafael Bejarano sdb, Director de Ciudad Don Bosco (CBD) in Medellín. The Salesians of Don Bosco are helping former child soldiers to re-integrate into society. They shared this example of good practice of placing the human persons at the very centre and allowing them to become builders of peace in the Colombian society.

  • 27.01.2017  Prayer&Breakfast: Nonviolence is the key to peace

    Prayer&Breakfast: Nonviolence is the key to peace

    On 27 January 2017, Justice & Peace Europe organised a Prayer & Breakfast at the Secretariat of COMECE in Brussels on the theme of Pope Francis' Message for the World Day of Peace "Nonviolence: a style of politics for peace". The event gathered around 40 participants from the EU institutions, churches and civil society. The President of Justice & Peace Europe, Mgr. Jean-Claude Hollerich, offered a reflection on this theme which you can read here.

  • 14.12.2016  EU action to combat money laundering and organised crime

    EU action to combat money laundering and organised crime

    Today, 14 December 2016, Justice & Peace Europe launched its second Memorandum on "EU action to combat money laundering and organised crime". The text was drafted by Mr Enzo Pezzini, researcher at the University Saint-Louis, Brussels. Click here to read the Memorandum.